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A rarely known by people of the Christmas sweater history

Updatetime:2016-6-30 larger small
A rarely known by people of the Christmas sweater history

In 2001, has a magazine published a information is about the story of the Christmas sweater history, from that, people realize in late 19th century,the Christmas sweater have already appeared in the United States,they call it Ugly sweater

In the middle of the 20th century,the people like the style With carrot nose snowman with a green straw hat, and the sweater must be is red, it also dotted with irregular nor delicate coral fleece snowflakes, wear it and move around is like a walking Christmas tree.

I think many people are know America actor,named of Bill Cosby, he also wear a special sweater in the TV,ugly sweater with the wool material and design is very popular in that time.

Recent dozen years, Christmas sweater undergoing metamorphosis slowly, they also in absorbing all kinds of new fashion elements, from the cut, color, outline, and material, it is more and more accord with people's aesthetic standard now.Although people still think wear it seems a little childish, but never give up it, it is a sign of Christmas, suitable for all kinds of festival party, whether young or old man, wearing a Christmas sweater can feel the family love.These symbolic make ugly sweater has never really gone away.

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